A huge Thank You to my IWD 2023 speaking partners and hosts.
SKY – Active Allyship, Equity, and The Race and Gender Pay Gap.

I joined Sky in their Cinema space, to speak about all things allyship, with a particular focus on the role that men can play as allies to women in the fight against misogyny, in and outside of the workplace.

We had a frank and open discussion about the challenges that all women face, and then an intersectional look at the experiences of racially marginalised women, before handing out awards and giving shoutouts to Sky team members who have shown a dedication to pushing gender equity within the business.

Aegon – Intersectional Identities of Race and Gender, and The Experience of The Glass Cliff.
I also joined Aegon Asset Management, and Black Professionals Scotland, to talk about the intersection of Blackness and womanness, and why we still see such low representation of people who aren’t both white and male successfully stepping into leadership positions in business.

The Glass Cliff Panel – The Southbank Centre, Women of the World Festival

I wrapped up my IWD 2023 sessions by hosting a panel at The Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, discussing The Glass Cliff – what happens all too often when women break through the Glass Ceiling.
The panel was fantastic, urgent and important. It was massively over-subscribed, with people sitting on the window ledges, standing at the back, and dozens sadly being turned away as space ran out.
It was great to hear the panelist’s thoughts and experiences, and to hear from women in the audience during the Q&A who were currently experiencing the phenomenon, looking for guidance and support.